National Prescription Drug Take Back Day on April 27th


DEA’s 26th National Take Back Day will take place on Saturday, April 27, from 10 am – 2pm. There are 27 participating locations across San Diego County! Thank you for supporting DEA’s Take Back Day, together we can provide a safe and convenient means to dispose of prescription drugs and help educate the public about the potential abuse of medications.

The DEA has launched a new campaign encouraging the public to make Every Day Take Back Day by utilizing year-round collection sites to dispose of unneeded and unwanted medications. These safe disposal receptacles, in addition to DEA’s annual Take Back Day events, provide the public with an easy, no-cost opportunity to anonymously dispose of medications that are no longer needed. San Diego County has over 200 permanent drop off receptacles for the public to utilize.

Below links are to our DEA Resources and Materials that you may find helpful to educate and prevent drug use in your communities:

· – DEA One Pill Can Kill Campaign Resources

· Drugs of Abuse: DEA publication w/facts about most commonly abused drugs

· (for teens)

· (for parents, caregivers, and teachers)

· (for teachers and college campus community leaders/advisors)

· (no-cost online educational initiatives to empower communities with prevention efforts)