$11.6 Million Federal Grant to SANDAG for Del Mar Bluffs Stabilization


San Juan Capistrano, CA – Today, U.S. Representative Mike Levin (D-CA) announced that the U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) has awarded the San Diego Association of Governments (SANDAG) and the North County Transit District a grant of $11,570,250 to stabilize eroding coastal bluffs in Del Mar that jeopardize rail service through the region. The funding announcement follows a letter Rep. Levin led with the San Diego Congressional Delegation to DOT Secretary Elaine Chao last December urging the Department to award funding for the Del Mar Bluffs Stabilization project.

“The rail service through Del Mar supports countless jobs and economic activity throughout the region, so it’s critically important that we stabilize the coastal bluffs under these tracks,” said Rep. Levin. “After pushing for federal funding last year, I am excited to announce that the San Diego Association of Governments will receive $11.5 million from the Department of Transportation to help secure these tracks for years to come. I’m proudto partner on this effort with SANDAG, the North County Transit District, the San Diego Congressional Delegation, and many stakeholders throughout the region, and I know that we’ll continue to work hand-in-hand to strengthen San Diego’s transportation network.”

“The San Diego region is truly appreciative of the support of champions like Congressman Levin and the Department of Transportation. This critical corridor serves commuters, our military, and the economy— moving $1 billion of goods each year,” said SANDAG Chair and City of Poway Mayor, Steve Vaus. “SANDAG is committed to ensuring that one of the nation’s busiest rail corridors is reliable and safe and looks forward to continuing to work with our partnersto move the rail tracks off the bluffs permanently.”

As the Congressional Delegation’s funding request states, the Los Angeles – San Diego – San Luis Obispo (LOSSAN) Rail Corridor is the second busiest intercity rail corridor in the nation. This corridor also supports significant freight and commuter rail operations and is part of the U.S.Strategic Rail Corridor Network (STRACNET). A portion of the LOSSAN Rail Corridor in San Diego County runs through the City of Del Mar on bluffs located adjacent to the Pacific Ocean (Del Mar Bluffs). The Del Mar Bluffs, which support the railroad infrastructureand track-bed, have experienced and continue to be vulnerable to major erosion.

The Del Mar Bluffs Stabilization project includes the design, environmental, and construction components of a package of improvements for the stabilization of the Del Mar Bluffs. The federal funding will helpinstall subsurface drainage, as well as concrete channels, storm drains, and support piles. To learn more about the Del Mar Bluffs Stabilization project, visit KeepSanDiegoMoving.com/DelMarBluffs.

Earlier this year, Rep. Levin announced federal funding for the Encinitas-Solana Beach Coastal Storm Damage Reduction Project and the San Clemente Shoreline Project, which will also help stabilize coastal bluffs in the region.