Cougars Help Out at Padres Fantasy Camp


SAN DIEGO – The Cal State San Marcos baseball team made its way to Petco Park to help with the annual San Diego Padres Fantasy Camp on Saturday.

The team helped organize drills and dished out their own expertise to future big-league hopefuls.

The first half of the day consisted of the Cougars tending to around 100 children ages 6-14 while the latter half of the day saw the team helping out with approximately 50 adults.

“It’s an honor for our program to help with the Padres Fantasy Camp,” said CSUSM Head Coach Matt Guiliano. “It is extremely important to us that we give back to the community when possible. Having the opportunity to work with kids and pass on some baseball knowledge is extra special for our student-athletes.”

The Cougars have helped out with Padres Fantasy Camp for numerous years.


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