Community Workshop on Local Coastal Program Feb. 8


In support of the City’s Local Coastal Program (LCP) Update, the Oceanside Planning Division held a community workshop on November 8, 2018 to introduce residents and other stakeholders to the recently completed Coastal Hazards Vulnerability Assessment (VA), which identifies coastal resources at risk of flooding and wave run-up associated with projected sea level rise. The VA reveals that a wide range of public and private assets on the City’s coastline are vulnerable to sea level rise, including the Oceanside Small Craft Harbor, public amenities in proximity to Oceanside Municipal Pier, The Strand, public parking facilities, and beachfront residential properties. The VA provides the basis for the preparation of a Coastal Hazards Adaptation Plan (AP), which will outline specific strategies for enhancing the resiliency of the City’s coastline. Workshop materials, along with a summary of the workshop, have been posted to the project webpage.

The Planning Division will hold a second community workshop on Tuesday, February 19 from 5:30-7:30 p.m. in the City Council Chambers to introduce and discuss possible coastal hazards adaptation strategies. The Council Chambers are located at 300 N. Coast Highway in Oceanside. Residents, business owners, visitors, and others with an investment in vulnerable coastal assets are strongly encouraged to attend the workshop and/or provide input to Principal Planner Russ Cunningham via email ( Input received at the workshop and/or via email will inform the preparation of an initial draft of which will be the focus of a third community workshop to be held in the spring.

Those seeking further insight on possible coastal hazards adaptation strategies can consult the California Coastal Commission’s recently updated Sea Level Rise Policy Guidance.

For more information on the Local Coastal Program Update, please visit the project webpage: or call (760) 435-3525


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