Motorcycle, Bicycle and Pedestrian Safety Operation Results for San Marcos


On May 25, 2019, traffic deputies from the San Diego Sheriff’s Department, San Marcos Patrol Station, took part in a motorcycle, bicycle and pedestrian safety enforcement operation aimed at educating motorcyclists, bicyclists, drivers and pedestrians on traffic laws, rules and responsibilities.
Traffic deputies conducted high visibility enforcement between 10:00 AM and 2:00 PM looking for violations made by motorcyclists, bicyclists, drivers and pedestrians that put roadway users at risk.
A total of 19 citations were written to motorcyclists, pedestrians and bicyclists for several violations including speed, failure to stop at red lights, jaywalking, riding against vehicular traffic and crossing the roadway against a DO NOT WALK sign.
The San Diego Sheriff’s Department supports the new OTS public awareness campaign, “Go Safely, California.” To find out more about ways to go safely, visit
Funding for motorcycle, bicycle and pedestrian safety enforcement operations are provided by a grant from the California Office of Traffic Safety, through the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration.


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