CSU San Marcos Ranks First in Online RN to BSN Programs


Cal State San Marcos has been ranked first in the state by RegisteredNursing.org in its list of 2019 Best Online RN to BSN programs.
There were 15 schools that met the website’s criteria to be ranked.
RN to BSN programs allowwith an associate degree to advance their education by receiving a bachelor of science in nursing.
CSUSM offers an accelerated online program that gives nurses the opportunity to earn their BSN in just 16 months.
“This renowned program requires 38 total units and enrolls just 44 students per cohort to keep faculty accessible throughout the online program,” RegisteredNursing.org stated in its ranking.
CSUSM cites statistics showing that the average income among RNs with an associate degree is $51,600, versus $94,300 for nurses with a BSN.
The university also ranks ninth in the fourth annual nursing school rankings by the website RNCareers.org, which ranked the top 35 universities in the state.

About California State University San Marcos

Building on an innovative 29-year history, California State University San Marcos is a forward-focused institution, dedicated to preparing future leaders, building great communities and solving critical issues. Located on a 304-acre hillside overlooking the City of San Marcos, it is the only public four-year comprehensive university serving North San Diego, Southwest Riverside and South Orange counties.

The University enrolls 17,000 students. With approximately 2,000 employees, the institution is a Great College to Work For® (The Chronicle of Higher Education). As a recipient of the annual HEED Award since 2014 — a national honor recognizing U.S. colleges and universities that demonstrate an outstanding commitment to diversity and inclusion — CSUSM is committed to creating a diverse and inclusive environment.