The Carlsbad City Council has Approved New Lagoon Trail


The Carlsbad City Council has approved adding the Hub Park Trail to the city’s “Capital Improvement Program,” a long term plan for major city construction projects. The 2.4 mile trail is on land owned by SDG&E. The city has a 1975 lease agreement with SDG&E for a portion of the trail, but not the part that connects to nearby roads.

Following the City Council’s direction Tuesday, city staff will now approach SDG&E about getting public access to the trail. If the city and SDG&E can come to an agreement about how the public could get access to this property, construction of the new trail could begin in a few years.

The trail will lead from a new Interstate 5 bridge crossing to the bluff top within the Hub Park Lease property, overlooking the lagoon. It will loop around the Strawberry Fields and open space, providing connection to the trail on the south side of Cannon Road through existing underpasses.

The trail could potentially include amenities such as picnic tables and outlook points in addition to basic trail amenities, such as trail signs, dog stations and recycling/trash bins.

Back in June 2016, City Council agreed to consider adding a trail at the property during its 2017 goal setting workshop. The project was not made a goal during that workshop. During its June 18, 2019 meeting, City Council directed staff to prepare and present a report to add the trail as a Capital Improvement Project.

The Hub Park trail (also known as the Agua Hedionda trail) is included in the new trails master plan adopted by the City Council on Aug. 28, 2019, which lays out a long term approach for maximizing the city’s extensive network of walking, jogging and biking paths throughout Carlsbad. Under the new plan, approximately 67 miles of current citywide trails would be expanded to more than 100 over time.

Next Steps
Staff will complete a procurement process for design of the trail and will begin public outreach to gather input on the design of the trail and amenities for inclusion. The design team will conduct an environmental review and project permitting. Staff will also collaborate with SDG&E to get an easement agreement from Cannon Road to the Hub Park Lease property. The design development and permitting process may take up to three years before project is ready for construction.

For more information
Hub Park Lease webpageHub Park Lease webpage
Kasia Trojanowska, park planning manager, or 760-434-2838