Wellness and “Nature’s Candy” featured at North County Farmers Markets


By Helen Nielsen
For the past several years North County Farmers Markets have teamed with the Sustainable Santa Foundation’s Real Santas United for Healthy Kids to try to change the dietary habits of our children, weaning them off the SAD (Standard American Diet) of Fast, Junk and Processed “foods” and showing them the joy of “Eating Real Food” and living a sustainable lifestyle.
Part of that conversion involves stopping the practice of handing out commercial Candy loaded with toxic and teeth corroding sugar as Halloween and Holiday handouts. Instead urging parents to choose to distribute “Nature’s Candy.”
“Nature’s Candy” is dehydrated fruits such a persimmons, mangos, blood oranges, apples and apricots; honey sticks; healthy snack bars made from ancient grains; fruits which come in their own “natural wrapper” such as un-cracked nuts of all kinds, pomegranates, navel oranges, apples, passion fruit, grapes and dates, all filled with vitamins and healthy fiber.
The first event of the fall season is October 19 at the Saturday morning Vista Farmers Market located in front of the Courthouse on Melrose Blvd. It is coupled with a “Wellness Fair” conducted there the third Saturday of each month.

“The Vista farmers market Wellness event is designed to help you honor your authentic self – Body, Mind and Spirit,” says Joy Blessman,

who manages the monthly event. In addition to the “Nature’s Candy” featured in the market, organic and chemical free cosmetics and beauty aids alternatives to those found in commercial outlets and other “wellness promoting” products and services are available at the Saturday events.
The second event featuring “Nature’s Candy” takes place at the Sunday October 27st Farmers Market at the Sikes Adobe Farmstead located across from the Mall off E. Via Rancho Parkway in Escondido where farmer vendors dress in Halloween costumes to pass out samples of their healthy fare.
Every parent is familiar with the “sugar-high” the traditional commercial treats create, says Sustainable Santa® head of the Real Santas United for Healthy Kids who partners with the markets promoting the events. We applaud the Farmers Markets for taking the steps to make it possible for parents to skip tricking kids into ill-health this Halloween, instead treating them to these healthy alternatives the farmers make available.
With two of three kids now overweight or obese and forty percent of the others who “look healthy” also suffering from diet driven metabolic diseases and ailments created by the sugar and other additives loaded into contemporary “snacks” we farmer vendors can’t just stand by and not do something, says Mary Poirier, of Ben and Mary’s Subtropicals who sell “Nature’s Candy” at both the Vista and Escondido Markets
We hope this year many in the community will permanently switch to “Nature’s Candy” for all their holiday needs. What better Halloween or Christmas gift to give than the “gift of good health”, says Claire Winnick, Manager of the Escondido market.