100 Main October Update


Hello neighbor. The Streetlights Residential Construction Team is very excited to be a part of this community and develop this wonderful project that will bring in new residences and businesses soon.

Our goal is to be a good neighbor to the community, foster relationships, and partner with you during the construction process. Our Monthly Construction Update will keep you informed of pertinent activities that may have an effect of vehicular traffic patterns and pedestrian re- direction.

We are aware of the parking sensitivity and have instructed our workers to park in areas away from businesses. Our number one priority is public safety.

The month of October will see the following activities:
Framing operations will continue. By the end of the month the majority of the structure should be in place. Scaffold will also be erected around the perimeter of the building.
• Routine deliveries of materials can be expected during this month. Expect daily closures on Indiana and Main St to continue.
Mechanical, electrical, and plumbing infrastructure will be ongoing this month
Exterior sheathing will begin wrapping the building
Window installation will begin and be ongoing for another month
Coordination has begun for improvement work in the streets surrounding the project. When the work is scheduled, notification will be given.

*Please note, within the next couple of months construction workers will begin parking in the structure. We hope this will alleviate the stress our operation has put on adjacent parking. We understand our presence has made the parking situation difficult and we hope to minimize the burden on our neighb