New Member initiated into The Woman’s Club of Vista GFWC


The Woman’s Club of Vista GFWC initiated a new member recently.
China Kellner was welcomed by Club Past President Judy Pantazo and Crystal Gates. China is currently serving as co-chair of the Night Owls group, an evening section of the Club for working members.
The Woman’s Club of Vista GFWC holds luncheon meetings on second Wednesdays at 10:30 am at Shadowridge Golf Club. The Night Owls meet the Thursday after the General meeting.
For lunch reservations:
For Night Owls:

The Woman’s Club of Vista was founded in 1916 and is celebrating 102 years of service to our community in 2018. Originally organized as the Woman’s Current Events Club, and adopting the motto, “Along the friendly way we journey together to achieve the best things for country life,” members organized and had control of the Vista Library until 1931. Members of The Woman’s Club were active in marking El Camino Real with guidepost bells and promoting Vista’s first Clean-Up Day. In 1927, after affiliating with the State and General Federation of Women’s Clubs, members voted to change the name of their group to The Woman’s Club of Vista.

The Woman’s Club built and dedicated their clubhouse in Vista in 1929, and it served many purposes for the community including being opened to the Camp Pendleton Marines during WWII as a canteen and service club. In 1959 The Woman’s Club of Vista outgrew its clubhouse and in 1966 dedicated a new 7,100 square foot clubhouse on Oak Drive.

Sponsored by the Woman’s Club in 1960, the Vista Junior Woman’s Club donated $1,000 toward the Brengle Terrace Park Amphitheater, installed a wooden sign for the Brengle Terrace Park playground, and paid for the first polio shot vaccines for children at a local clinic.

In 1980 The Woman’s Club began the first glass recycling service for Vista and created a “Hazardous Household Waste” pamphlet, printed and distributed to over 25,000 residents. In the 1990’s Keep America Beautiful and the United Nations Environmental Program recognized The Woman’s Club of Vista for planting over 700 oak tree seedlings in local parks.

Since The Woman’s Club of Vista sold their clubhouse on Oak Drive in 2005, the Club has donated over $560,000 to 56 designated non-profit organizations working with people in our community: children, women, families, youth, and veterans, as well as the Vista Fire Department and Sheriff’s Department. Since 2005, the Club has awarded $120,000 in scholarships and in 2017 awarded scholarships to students graduating from Vista High School, Rancho Buena Vista High School, Guajome Park Academy, Mission Vista High School, Alta Vista High School, Murray High School, and North County Trade Tech High School.​

Woman’s Club members gave 11,000 hours in volunteer service to local non-profit organizations in 2016. The Club supports Veterans, Women’s Resource Center, Elementary school libraries, and Pennies for Pines monthly with member donations. The Club contributed to building the ponds and stream project at Alta Vista Botanical Gardens using funds from recycling, funded a rose-covered gazebo, and has provided free nature field trips for schoolchildren.

The Woman’s Club of Vista is affiliated with GFWC and CFWC, and is a member of Palomar District Women’s Clubs.