Breathe Better Total Home Active Air Purifier


We all seem to feel more allergies affecting us due to so many things that seem to be in the air. For some of us, this has been a lifelong battle. We, as consumers, seem to be more in tune with things that pollute the air as well. We recommend using a product called MICROPURE® Total Home Active Air Purifier (MX4™).

This product actively cleans the air like nothing else can.

It uses a unique new indoor air quality process to naturally produce airborne scrubbers that actively seek out and destroy indoor pollutants in the air, on surfaces, and wherever the air circulates.

Eliminates pollutants in the air and surfaces, eliminates bacteria, mold, viruses, mildews, smoke, odors and more. This product can be installed with any AC system.
This product was developed with NASA Technology for the International Space Station and produces negative and positive charged air scrubbers naturally that attracts contaminants like a magnet and eliminates them.

This product works 24/7 in every room of the home as long as the proper accessories are installed. Pollutants are safely and effectively destroyed even when they have not passed directly through the HVAC system.

Most indoor air purification systems are effective in reducing airborne contaminants. The MICROPURE® Total Home Active Air Purifier takes the next step in whole house purification and is proven effective in reducing contaminants on surfaces as well. ( for lab results).

Contact your locally operated Air Crafts Heating & Air for additional information and pricing for this product at 760-749-3667.