District Attorney Summer Stephan Speaker for the San Marcos Chamber Educate & Update


San Diego District Attorney Summer Stephan will be the Guest Speaker for the San Marcos Chamber of Commerce Educate & Update meeting, Tuesday, January 21, 7:30am -8:30am, at the Chamber Office located at 251 North City Drive, Suite 128G, San Marcos, in the Union Cowork classroom.
District Attorney Stephan will highlight on Priorities, Goals and a North County Update.
District Attorney Summer Stephan has devoted her life to protecting children and families and providing justice to the voiceless and most vulnerable. She is a national leader in the fight against sexual exploitation and human trafficking, who has served as a Deputy District Attorney in San Diego County for 28 years. During this time, she combined extensive courtroom experience with over 15 years of management and leadership experience. She rose through the ranks to appointments as Chief of the DA’s North County Branch and Chief of the Sex Crimes and Human Trafficking Division, a Special Victims Unit she pioneered. In 2017, she was appointed District Attorney. On June 5, 2018, the voters elected Summer as District Attorney in the most resounding victory recorded for DA races in San Diego County.
She has been named the 2017 Southern California District Attorney of the Year by Crime Victims United
Advance registration is required. Please contact the San Marcos Chamber at 760-744-1270 or visit the website at www.sanmarcoschamber.com