Beacons North County – Adults with Disabilities Lifting Spirits for a Good Cause


Carlsbad, CA May,2020: Beacons, Inc. is raising funds by lifting spirits. May 23 -31 adults with disabilities will be leading a Cheer Gram Caravan along with Beacons families and the Surf Cities Chapter of National Charity League. The group will be delivering 18” x 24” specialty yard signs throughout North County. Signs read, “You are Loved!” and “A Hero Lives Here”. Donors can purchase signs to lift the spirits of a healthcare worker, firefighter, caregiver, co-worker, family member, teacher or family friend.

Signs can be purchased for $50 and the caravan will place them on the front lawn of your loved ones’ home along with a honk, a song, a smile, and a wave. To place an order click
donations will help to offset costs for online Summer classes. Each $50 donation will help subsidize an entire week of a Summer Workshop for an adult with an intellectual or developmental disability. Beacons will be offering a variety of Summer courses including reading fundamentals, photography, yoga, painting, American Sign Language and more.

“For this fundraiser our Beacons students and NCL volunteers wanted to find a safe way to help brighten the day of those in our community that are facing hardship right now and just spread some love.” Beacons Board President & Co-Founder, Mary Backer.

Beacons, Inc. is a non-profit organization seeking to empower adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities to achieve their vision of success, with purpose and joy to the best of their ability by offering employment training programs in North San Diego.