Operation HOPE-North County Leadership Announcement


    Operation HOPE-North County announces that Charity Singleton, Executive Director, will be stepping down from her position effective August 14th to pursue a unique family business opportunity. Charity has played a critical role in the continued development of the organization. We are thankful for her dedicated service this last year and for the achievements she has brought to the organization. She will continue to be involved as a member of the OHNC Advisory Board.

    Operation HOPE-North County’s Board of Directors is committed to guiding and supporting our staff, clients, and community through this transition. Members of the Board will temporarily oversee management and provide guidance for specific areas within the organization. Our critical services for families with children and single women will continue uninterrupted.
    We are so grateful for Charity’s enthusiasm and commitment to our mission and look forward to building on her accomplishments. Please join us in thanking her and wishing her all the best in her new venture.
    For inquiries, please contact Cindy Taylor at cindy@operationhopeshelter.org.