Time Change This Weekend -Test and Replace


As long as you’re changing your clocks this weekend, City of Carlsbad public safety officials recommend making a few other quick changes around your home (Daylight Savings Time ends Nov. 1).

Smoke/CO detectors: Change the batteries in your smoke detectors and carbon monoxide detectors.

Batteries: Be sure to recycle old batteries by putting them in a plastic bag and setting them on top of your recycling cart on trash day. Better yet, consider using rechargeable batteries.

Test and replace: Test your smoke detectors monthly to make sure they work. According to FEMA, smoke detectors last about eight to 10 years. Check the unit for a purchase date.

Timers: Adjust the automatic timers controlling lights inside and outside your home.

If you are not already doing so, consider putting lights on timers so your home looks occupied. A house sitting dark is a sign no one is at home. Watch a video about preventing burglaries.

Home Emergency Kit: Make sure your home emergency kit is up-to-date. If you don’t have one, put one together this weekend.

Sprinklers: Check your automatic sprinklers to make sure you’re only watering between 6 p.m. and 10 a.m.