Virtually or In Person, the CVA’s Mission Continues


Christine Davis – Executive Director
Carlsbad Village Association, Carlsbad Business Journal
When the first three-week stay at home order was issued back in mid-March 2020, the Carlsbad Village Association (CVA) did not think for a minute that it would have an impact on its 5th annual Spring Shop Hop five weeks later. Little did we know that the health pandemic would not only cause the cancellation of that event but would go on to cause the cancellation of nearly two months of the State Street Farmers’ Market and 30 other CVA events in the Village.

Flicks at the Fountain CVA’s mission is to lead the continual improvement of Carlsbad Village by promoting and enhancing its business, cultural, and community vitality, making it the premier destination in North County San Diego. Its focus is to keep Carlsbad Village front of mind for everyone looking for a place to shop, dine, and play, thus benefitting the small businesses downtown. Inviting locals, tourists, and those from nearby communities and beyond to our vibrant downtown to participate in events is one way that CVA does this.

The entirety of 2020 was extremely difficult for event planners and any business or organization that relies on and hosts events. Recreating events in a virtual world, while creative, does not translate in all situations. For example, the 6th annual Flicks at the Fountain outdoor movie series just would not be the same without the feel of community as we all came together in front of the big screen in the heart of the Village on a warm summer evening. But as we all know, the show must go on, and CVA is working hard on its plans for 2021 in the hopes that gathering in person, like we used to, will return by Summer.

Until we can meet again in person, CVA will kick off the year with its business and resident meeting, called Village Voices, live streamed from the New Village Arts theater where the monthly meetings used to take place. We will continue virtually each month until we can meet in person. Check our event listing on our website or Facebook event page for details. On Saturday, February 13th, from 10am to 3pm, we will host our 4th Annual Heart of the Village Blood Drive at Carlsbad Village Music (505 Carlsbad Village Dr.) in conjunction with the San Diego Blood Bank, with all industry standard safety protocols in place. Throughout the month of February we will also be hosting a very special outdoor scavenger hunt that will involve the search for hidden glass orbs individually handblown by Barrio Glassworks. Now that is a true Treasure Hunt!

Please stay connected with the Carlsbad Village Association by visiting us online at and subscribing to our weekly eNewsletter. We are looking forward to rolling out new events, as allowed, to keep Carlsbad Village front of mind at all times and are looking forward to a robust 2021. We look forward to seeing you downtown soon!