“I Knew I Had to Fight for My Children – I Couldn’t Lose Them!”

Family Feature: The Andersons


“I came to Solutions on June 28th of 2017, straight from rehab with 6 months clean. I had lost my children to Child Welfare Services and because I was in the foster care system until I was 7 years old, I knew I had to fight for my children- I couldn’t lose them!

My biological mother had abandoned me in foster care. She was not able to stay clean, and I was eventually adopted. I didn’t want my kids to feel abandoned like I felt growing up. I wanted them to see that I could choose them over drugs and alcohol. I fought REALLY hard and got clean from meth IV drug use, alcohol and marijuana. My children were placed with me a couple of months after arriving at Solutions for Change, and my case closed in April of the following year.

Thanks to the tools and ongoing support from Solutions, I was also able to empower my teenage son to get clean from marijuana and graduate probation and drug court when he was 16 years old. I have 4 children, now 4, 9, 12 and 17. I owe it to Solutions for Change for consistently holding me accountable and providing with the skills, knowledge and resources necessary to now call myself an Overcomer.

Today, I have over 4 years clean and my children and I are thriving. I am blessed to be an Empowerment Coach at Solutions for Change, empowering families that are where I once was to see that with hard work and dedication, they can live a clean, sober, amazing and productive life.”
– Shannon Anderson, Solutions Overcomer and Empowerment Coach