Watch the Virtual 2021 San Marcos State of the City Address


Mayor Rebecca Jones shared a compelling message about the community’s resilience and innovation in her virtual 2021 State of the City Address, hosted by the San Marcos Chamber of Commerce, on May 19.

The State of the City Address is the community’s premier event that showcases the vision for the City of San Marcos.

“Despite all of the challenges of the past year, our brave healthcare workers, our businesses, our residents and our city services have stepped up in ways that have made us all incredibly thankful to call San Marcos home,” Jones said. “With renewed hope on our horizon, it is important to reflect on all that this thriving community has accomplished in the last year.”

This year’s event also featured a video tribute to frontline healthcare professionals and local businesses who have adapted, survived and thrived despite unprecedented challenges. Tune in on the link above. The 2021 State of the City Address will also be rebroadcast on San Marcos TV beginning in mid-June on Cox Communications Channel 19, Timer Warner Cable Channel 24, AT&T U-Verse Channel 99.