Vista Fire Department Orders Two New Engines


The Fire Department is ordering two new engines to replace ones purchased in 2008. The current engines have 270,531 miles combined. The new Pierce Arrow XT triple combination fire pumper engines will be manufactured by South Coast Fire Equipment, Inc. and are expected to take a year to be manufactured. Once replaced, the two older engines will be used as reserve units. The current reserve engines at Station 5 will be removed from the fleet and will be sold at auction.

An employee team from the Fire Department and Public Works departments considered the needs of the community, ensuring the engines would be able to access all parts of the City and the Vista Fire Protection District, and would provide the necessary firefighting equipment on board. Pierce Manufacturing, Inc fits the Fire Department’s needs and also has an authorized repair facility in Vista, should the need arise to have warranty repairs completed. The cost of the two engines will be made through a cooperative purchasing agreement offered nationwide to eligible local governments and amounts to $1.6 million.