Palomar Health Child Abuse Program


Soroptimist International of Vista and North County Inland sponsors a bi-monthly North County anti-Human Trafficking Collaborative which is open to the public. These meetings have spanned the last 10 years. Kaye Van Nevel invites expert speakers. The location is Fellowship Hall, United Methodist Church of Vista 490 S. Melrose. Please go to for more information or contact

“Anna Ginther is a Program Case Coordinator and Family Advocate at the SART/Child Abuse Program within Palomar Health’s Forensic Health Services. She specializes in providing educational outreach, case management, and advocacy services to commercially sexually exploited children, victims of human trafficking, and children exposed to or subjects of sexual abuse material. She is also acting Co-Chair of the Health Subcommittee within the San Diego Regional Human Trafficking and CSEC Advisory Council, which is responsible for educating on best practices for combatting human trafficking to healthcare systems in San Diego County.

Established in 1984 and accredited by the National Children’s Alliance, Palomar Health’s Child Abuse Program is one of 65 such programs in the state of California and only one of two in San Diego County. Today, the program interviews and medically assesses several hundred children a year in North County, to assist Child Welfare Services and Law Enforcement in helping to determine the nature and extent of abuse, neglect, and exploitation. The center ensures a coordinated approach to the investigation of child abuse by utilizing a multi-disciplinary team including members from law enforcement, prosecutors, child welfare services, mental health and victim advocacy. All services received by children and families at Palomar Health’s child advocacy center are free of charge and are provided in a neutral, child-friendly setting to prevent further harm and promote healing after trauma.

In 2021, the Palomar Health Child Abuse Program received a competitive grant through the National Children’s Alliance called the Domestic Trafficking Victims’ Fund. Through this funding, the center has focused its efforts on creating specialty protocol and increasing access to services for child victims of exploitation and human trafficking.”