City of Escondido Housing Element Outreach in 2022


The City of Escondido Housing Element is a component of the General Plan, a document that guides long range goals for the use of public and private land. The housing element assesses the housing needs of all economic segments in the City of Escondido. On August 12, the City
Council adopted a draft of the 6th Cycle Housing Element. In order for the City to fulfil the requirements, the California Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD) must review and certify the adopted draft. The City received comments from HCD and needs to revise
the document before it can be certified.

The effort to review and revise the Housing Element will be coordinated with an effort to update the Community Protection Chapter and create an Environmental Justice Element. Staff will begin community outreach and engagement for this combined work effort in January 2022. Stay tuned for updates.