Celebrate New Year’s Eve in Downtown Carlsbad


Look to Carlsbad Village for a truly remarkable New Year’s Eve! With wine bars, tap rooms, eateries ranging from fast casual to elegant, live music, and dessert stops to cap off the night, downtown Carlsbad has so much to offer.

Start your night listening to the smooth jazz tunes of Will Sumner over a glass of sparkling Cool Cat at Witch Creek Winery; or wine and Charcuterie at Oak + Elixir; or be a part of a new “triple can release” from Pure Project just in time for the big night. Consider one of three dinner seatings with a preset menu at Le Papagayo (reservations required) with live music from 7pm to midnight. Or enjoy the locally inspired menu and on-trend, craft cocktails at The Compass; elegant Italian dining at Vigilucci’s Cucina; or French cuisine from Paon Restaurant & Wine Bar. If you’re looking for casual, festive fun, consider Park 101, Senor Grubby’s or Mas Fina Cantina, where a champagne toast will take place at midnight.

There are so many excellent places in Carlsbad Village to say your goodbyes to 2021 and welcome in 2022.

Visit Carlsbad Village Dining Options and see how many amazing options there are in downtown Carlsbad for New Year’s Eve. And don’t forget to return on New Year’s Day for brunch at eateries all throughout the Village. Everything you need to find the perfect place is right here.

We look forward to seeing you in the Village in 2022. Cheers to all of the designated drivers on New Year’s Eve, and don’t forget to call on Uber to get you where you need to be safely!