Oceanside’s Earth Day of Service and Celebration April 23


Oceanside, CA – Earth Month festivities in Oceanside have been going strong for over 10 years and have developed into a point of pride for North County residents and visitors near and far, and this year is no different! Join the Green Oceanside team at the City’s Earth Day of Service and Celebration at Buccaneer Park (1506 S. Pacific St.) on April 23 from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. This event will be filled with arts, crafts, and activities centered around sustainability and taking action to preserve and protect our planet and community.
At Buccaneer Park, guests will about sustainability efforts in our community, enjoy tunes by a local DJ, and grab a free retro “Stay Classy O’side” t-shirt provided by Waste Management. While there, all are encouraged to join the Buccaneer Park clean-up effort, complete with trash pickers and a fanny pack clean-up kit to help remove litter in our creek and waterways.
If you aren’t headed to Buccaneer Park, but still want to be involved, Oceanside has partnered with I Love a Clean San Diego to offer five clean-up locations that are critical to the health of our watershed and natural environment. Each location will offer t-shirts and clean-up supplies; just bring your reusable water bottle and sunscreen. Visit www.creektobay.org to register in advance, or just show up on April 23 ready to rid the region of litter.
“We’re so excited to bring another innovative initiative for Earth Day this year that brings people to Buccaneer Park to celebrate and serve our local environment,” explains Oceanside’s Environmental Officer Colleen Foster. “Joining us will be Marines from Camp Pendleton to showcase their environmental efforts and join in on the community clean-up. Everyone should stop by, grab a t-shirt and clean-up kit, and learn about the awesome organizations in Oceanside who truly make Earth Day every day.”
Aside from festivities at Buccaneer Park on April 23, Oceanside residents can get involved in making Earth Day every day with a number of resources available all year round:
• Residents can schedule a FREE pick of their excess backyard produce with ProduceGood to benefit local feeding agencies while also preventing food waste. Those with backyard bounties can contact ProduceGood at info@producegood.org and (760) 492-3467.
• If you’ve opted to convert your yard into drought-tolerant landscaping, be sure to enter the 2022 WaterSmart Landscape Contest by April 30 for a chance to win a $250 gift card and a featured spot in the City’s e-newsletter. Visit www.landscapecontest.com for full contest details and to enter.

• For those busy cleaning out their closets and garages of gently-used items, set up an appointment for curbside pick-up of your donatable goods directly with Oceanside DAV (Disabled American Veterans) by calling (619) 337-9244 between April 18-29. With the added closet space, head down to a local business to spread your dollars locally with Green Oceanside Business Network members. Visit www.GreenOceanside.org for a full list of members and local spots to shop.
For all Earth Month activities, visit www.greenoceanside.org, and follow the City’s Green Oceanside team on social media, at @Oceanside_Water on Instagram and Oceanside Water Utilities on Facebook.