City of Carlsbad’s Home Energy Score Assessment Program.


Carlsbad residents looking to conserve energy and save money can now receive a free, customized assessment to measure their home’s energy use through the City of Carlsbad’s Home Energy Score Assessment Program.

Homeowners are invited to sign up to make an appointment with a certified home energy score assessor who will visit the home to:

Evaluate the home’s current energy efficiency
Identify home improvements that can increase energy efficiency
Offer energy-saving tips for using lights, electronics and appliances
Provide recommendations for improving indoor air quality and comfort
How to sign up
Appointments are first come, first served and are available while funding lasts. To get started and secure your place in line for an appointment, fill out the application form.

Each home energy score assessment will take approximately two hours, depending on the size and age of the home. The report is free, and residents are under no obligation to implement the suggestions provided by the assessor. Residents can follow up with the recommendations on their own timeline and with their preferred vendors.

Who should sign up for a free assessment?
Anyone who owns a home in Carlsbad can benefit from this program. The program is especially helpful for residents who:

Are thinking of starting a home renovation project
Want to improve their home’s air quality, efficiency or comfort
Want to know if they can conserve energy and save money before applying for a permit
Learn more
The program is part of the city’s commitment to sustainability and is a component of the Climate Action Plan to reduce energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions in existing residential buildings.

Learn more about the program and view a list of frequently asked questions.