Boys & Girls Clubs of Oceanside Announces 2022 “Youth of the Year” During Achievement Awards Ceremony


Oceanside, CA (June 1, 2022) – After three years of virtual events, Boys & Girls Clubs of Oceanside (BGCO) was thrilled to host its in-person Achievement Awards on Thursday, May 27th to honor outstanding youth in grades K-12. Members of the Year from each Club site and five Youth of the Year candidates were recognized as leaders, volunteers, and role models within the BGCO afterschool programs. In addition, members of BGCO’s unique adults with developmental disabilities program called R.O.A.D’s (Real Options for Adults with Disabilities) were honored and recognized.

The Members of the Year were individually recognized and provided certificates for their outstanding achievement, participation and character demonstrated at the Club. Each Youth of the Year nominee spoke briefly about the impact the Club has had on their lives. We are proud to announce Miss Melinda Maldonado, a junior from El Camino High School, as the 2022-2023 Boys & Girls Club of Oceanside Youth of the Year. Being named Youth of the Year is the highest honor a Boys & Girls Club member can receive and a signature national youth recognition program that celebrates the recipient’s contributions to their family, school, community, and their Boys & Girls Club. Melinda, will represent Boys & Girls Clubs of Oceanside and run for San Diego County’s Youth of the Year title.

“The Youth of the Year program honors our most inspiring young people on their path to great futures and encourages all youth to lead, succeed and inspire. All of the candidates are shining examples and living proof that great futures start at Boys & Girls Clubs” Jodi Diamond, Chief Executive Officer, Boys & Girls Clubs of Oceanside.

In addition to recognizing members, BGCO celebrated its Culinary Arts Team by surprising them with the Trailblazer Award from the Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP). The team was a national finalist for CACFP’s Inspire Awards, recognizing those who went above and beyond executing and reimagining CACFP. During the pandemic, this talented team led by Hillary Wheeler, Director of Program Initiatives, prepared more than 55,000 nutritious and home-cooked meals that were distributed to anyone under 18, regardless of membership status.

The evening included opening remarks from Congressman Mike Levin, an inspiring message from Jodi Diamond, CEO of BGCO, and a keynote message from Superintendent Dr. Julie Vitale, Oceanside Unified School District. All members were presented with certificates from the offices of Congressman Mike Levin, Assemblymember Tasha Boerner Horvath, San Diego County Supervisor Jim Desmond and City of Oceanside City Council. Thank you to San Diego County’s Community Enhancement Program for their support.

For more information about the Boys & Girls Clubs of Oceanside please contact Jodi Diamond, call (760) 433-8920, and visit our website

About Boys & Girls Clubs of Oceanside
Boys & Girls Clubs of Oceanside (BGCO), celebrating 70 years of building great futures in Oceanside, is a youth development organization that is dedicated to providing a safe, fun and enriching environment for youth during non-school hours. BGCO remained open to serve youth during the entire pandemic. From May 2020 through August 2021, BGCO’s Emergency Food Program provided more than 55,000 free and nutritious meals to youth under 18 regardless of membership status.

BGCO is a local, nonprofit organization affiliated with Boys & Girls Clubs of America but raises 100% of the funds that support its life-changing programs through individual giving, events and grants. For 70 years, BGCO has continued to uphold its mission to inspire, develop and enrich young people to reach their fullest potential as confident, responsible, caring members of society. To learn more visit