Carlsbaad’s City Manager’s Update: Sept. 15, 2022


It has been just over three weeks since we declared a traffic safety emergency, and I want to start with a sincere thank you for making it a priority to be safe and courteous on the road, whether you’re biking, walking or driving. You may have noticed new banners on display throughout the city to remind all of us to share the road, slow down and create safer streets together.

Our team is hard at work on a long-term plan to address traffic safety, which we will present to City Council in just under two weeks on Tuesday, Sept. 27. Details on additional upcoming meetings plus these updates below:

Moving forward on traffic safety and mobility
South Carlsbad Boulevard projects
Kitchen caddies available again for organic composting
Carlsbad Police present preparation and policy for active shooter emergencies
Environmental review of potential future housing sites
Clean Energy Alliance update
Find inspiration at Saturday’s Author Talk event
Upcoming meetings