Escondido Police Up Date


Local HS brings Students to EPD

The police department was happy to host a local high school’s criminal justice class last week.30 students were invited to tour the police department with our resident experts, retired Lieutenant Al Owens and our special events coordinator, Bob O’Donnell.They were then invited to go through some simulated police calls in our simulator with the training division.The students asked some great questions and received great insights into police work.

Cops and Coffee

Cops and the community both love coffee, so what better way to get everyone together?Officers, sergeants, volunteers, cadets, and command staff joined a hard-working Starbucks staff and spent a few hours serving citizens their Saturday morning coffee and striking up conversations.Whether they came in for a cup, were headed through the drive thru, or parked out front, someone was there to say hello.It was a beautiful day, and everyone had a great time.

Community Resources

Anonymous Tip Line: 760-743-8477 (TIPS)

Crime Data/Mapping:

Helicopter Announcement Transcription:

Call 858-866-4356 or text “Hello” to 858-866-4356

Megan’s Law Information:

Mental Health & Crisis Intervention:

Access and Crisis Line: 888-724-7240

It’s Up to Us Campaign:

Get Connected. Get Help: Dial 211

National Drug Helpline: or call 844-289-0879

Non-Emergency Line: 760-839-4722