Bent Avenue Closed for Paving, Monday, Jan. 8 and Tuesday, Jan. 9


On Monday, Jan. 8 and Tuesday, Jan. 9, Bent Avenue, between Discovery Street and San Marcos Boulevard, will be closed to through traffic for final paving. Sidewalks will be accessible to pedestrians and access to Creekside Drive will remain open during the closure. The team has placed road closure and detour signage on all major roadways. We encourage the community to avoid the area if at all possible, as traffic may be heavier than usual.

There will be intermittent lane closures and flagging the rest of the week and the following week, Wednesday, Jan. 10 – Friday, Jan. 19, as final work occurs. The road will remain open during this time and driving access will be maintained. There will be signage directing traffic on San Marcos Boulevard and Discovery Street.

San Marcos Boulevard and Via Vera Cruz Paving Postponed

The final paving work at the intersection of San Marcos Boulevard and Via Vera Cruz (previously scheduled for Wednesday, Jan. 10) has been postponed. Construction crews are working on a new completion date for this work and the project team will provide an update once we receive more information.

We encourage you to reach out to the Creek project team if you have any questions by phone at 877-SMCREEK or 877-762-7335 or by email at