Home Business Insider Coast Highway Corridor Design Informational Mtg.

Coast Highway Corridor Design Informational Mtg.


Please join us for an informational open house where you will have the chance to learn more about the project and have questions answered by City staff and project design team. We will share design progress, landscape plans, and more.

Background on the Coast Highway Corridor Design Project

The City of Oceanside is working on final design documents and is moving toward construction of Coast Highway Corridor improvements. Approved by the City Council in 2019, this important project aims to revitalize the Coast Highway corridor into a vibrant urban space that reinforces and celebrates Oceanside’s culture and unique character.

The Coast Highway Corridor Improvement Project was developed after careful study and extensive community input. What began as a high-level policy planning effort – resulting in the Coast Highway Vision and Strategic Plan – is now becoming a fully realized project that will create a pedestrian-friendly and transit-oriented corridor.

Project Features

The project will create a “complete street” that ensures that all forms of transportation – walking, biking, driving, and transit – are safely accommodated. It will improve pedestrian and bicycle access and infrastructure, increase ADA compliance, improve access to transit, promote continuous traffic flow, enhance access to local businesses, and encourage economic development.

The plan envisions creating a “road diet” – meaning that vehicle travel lanes will be reduced in some areas to promote safety and increase space for pedestrians and bicycles. Mid-block crosswalks, roundabouts (at select locations), and streetscape features will create space in the public right-of-way for bicycle facilities, improved sidewalks, and additional landscaping.

Project Status

The City is currently moving forward with entitlement, permitting, and designs required to implement the project. The design portion is anticipated to be complete by Fall 2024. Construction funding still needs to be identified, but construction could get underway by 2025, pending the allocation of funds.

Learn More

The City is hosting an informational Open House on January 16, 2024, from 5:00-7:00 pm. at the Library Community Rooms located at 300 N. Coast Highway. Drop by anytime during the open house time frame to learn more about the project and have your questions answered by City staff and the project team.