Term Limits


By Assemblymember Marie Waldron

There are 99 legislative chambers throughout the 50 states. Of these, 16 states have enacted term limits, including California. Other term limited states include Ohio, Florida, Missouri, Michigan, Arizona, Kansas and Nevada.

Proposition 28, which was approved by 61% of California’s voters in 2012, established our current term limit system. California legislators may serve a total of twelve years — Senate terms are 4 years and Assembly terms are two. I’m now serving my 6th Assembly term – my 12th and final year. Prior to 2012, legislators could serve a total of 14 years, but only three terms in the either house.

According to a report by Ballotpedia, there are 1,973 state senate seats and 5,413 state assembly (house) seats in the United States – 7,386 total. 85 of those state legislative chambers will be holding elections in 2024 — 12 senate chambers and 10 house chambers. Of those 22 chambers, term limits are affecting 2,071 seats that are up for re-election. That’s 28% of the total. To view the full Ballotpedia report, click here

In California, nine out of the 20 seats up for election this year are term limited. In San Diego County, only the 75th District, which I serve, and the 76th District, now served by Assemblyman Brian Maienschein, are termed out.

In my view term limits are beneficial, though excessively short term limits are counter-productive. California’s previous system that allowed assemblymembers to serve only 6 years (your first term you learn the job, your second term you do the job, and in your last term you look for a job), is a perfect example. And term limits should never be a substitute for involved and informed citizens who vote out unsuitable officials, and vote in the good ones.

Assemblymember Marie Waldron, R- Valley Center, represents the 75th Assembly District in the California Legislature, which includes the cities of Poway, Santee, portions of the City of San Diego, and most of rural eastern and northern San Diego County.