Escondido Fire Department Update


On June 25, Escondido Fire and Police were dispatched to a vehicle accident at El Norte Pkwy and Thomas Way. The accident involved a San Diego County ambulance that was transporting a patient from Valley Center, when the collision took place with another vehicle. The ambulance left the road and ended in the yard of a residence on Thomas Way, which destroyed a fence and communication equipment. Both vehicles had moderate damage. The crew members of the ambulance, as well as the original patient inside were treated by Paramedics and transported to Palomar Medical Center with minor injuries. The driver of the second vehicle was not injured.

Also on June 25, North Comm Dispatch received a call stating a mountain biker was having a medical emergency on a trail at Lake Dixon. Fire and Paramedics were dispatched and proceeded to multiple entrance points at Daley Ranch to attempt to locate and treat the patient. An Escondido Ranger located the patient and confirmed he needed assistance. Fire crews were escorted to the area, thanks to Police & Escondido Rangers, which was a mile hike up the mountain. Due to the terrain, Astrea and Copter 10 were utilized to assist. The patient was treated and safely bundled for transport. Copter 10 hoisted the patient and crew, and patient was transported to Palomar Medical Center.

Also on June 25, Station 4 crews were dispatched to Del Mar for a vegetation fire. The fire was approximately 15 acres and located in the middle of a neighborhood. Fire crews were on scene for several hours to fight the fire on the ground. Air assistance was used to fight the fire from above.

On July 1, Fire crews were dispatched to a residential structure fire at the 1400 block of Kona Kai Lane. The first arriving unit found a vehicle and large pile of debris burning in the driveway of a home. Quick action by firefighters prevented the fire from extending into the residence. The occupants were able to stay in their home after the

Last week, the City of Escondido and San Marcos held a joint CERT academy that included 24 hours of instruction in emergency preparedness for residents. The academy was open to Escondido, San Marcos, Oceanside and Elfin Forest students. CERT students learn basic preparedness skills that prepare them to assist their neighbors and community when emergency assistance is delayed due to large disasters. Classroom training was held at the Police and Fire

Headquarters in Escondido, while hands-on training was held at the San Marcos Training Facility. Instructors from Escondido, San Marcos and Oceanside facilitated the training. Fifteen students graduated from the academy.