Optimism Abounds in Escondido from Sales Tax


ESCONDIDO — There’s a newfound optimism in the city after voters approved a one-cent sales tax increase in November.

The tax will be levied for 20 years, and the city estimates about $28 million per year in revenue. City leaders and organizations such as the Escondido Chamber of Commerce and Escondido Downtown Business Association rallied to push the tax to address the city’s massive budget deficit.

While optimism is percolating, Mayor Dane White and other city council members stressed the need for patience. The city must go through several steps before any projects can begin. Those steps include appointing a Citizens Oversight Committee to monitor tax revenue, public outreach, council priorities for projects, and the collection of the money before executing the city’s plan.

“We’re not here to take part, we’re here to take over,” White said. “Everybody keeps saying they feel the city is on the verge of something good. Money is a big part of that, but I think there are so many things that are already happening like Round 1 and the Grand (Avenue) construction.”

Short-term plans