Applicants Sought for Carlsbad City Council Vacancy


The City of Carlsbad is accepting applications through Aug. 11, 5 p.m., to fill the District 1 City Council vacancy for a term ending with the November 2022 election. Under the Carlsbad Municipal Code, the person appointed to fill this term may not run for that seat for at least a year after leaving office.

The District 1 City Council seat became vacant following the resignation July 9 of City Council Member Cori Schumacher. On July 20, the City Council decided to proceed with an appointment process to fill the remainder of the term. The other option was to hold a special election, which was estimated to cost between $450,000 and $650,000 and could not take place until next April.

At its July 27 meeting, the City Council approved a selection process that includes the following:

To be eligible for appointment, applicants must live and be registered to vote in District 1, in northwest Carlsbad. See district map.
Applicants will be asked to acknowledge on the application that, if appointed, they will not run for the seat for at least one year after the term expires, as required under the current provisions of the Carlsbad Municipal Code.
Applicants must complete a disclosure of economic interests, the California Fair Political Practices Commission Form 700, prior to submitting an application.
District 1 residents are invited to submit topics they would like applicants to address during their City Council presentations. City staff will develop interview questions based on the topics submitted for City Council consideration at the Aug. 17 City Council meeting.
All applicants will be given an opportunity to address the City Council for five minutes at a public meeting Aug. 24, including answering a set of standard questions that will be provided in advance. Applicants will be called to make a presentation in the order their applications were received.
The public may make comments at the meeting once all applicants have had an opportunity to speak.
After the conclusion of public comments, the City Clerk will provide five blank cards to each of the City Council members.
City Council members will write the names of their top five candidates in priority order on the cards.
The City Clerk will collect all of the cards and post them on a board next to the nominating City Council members’ name.
The candidates with the most nominations will be considered by a vote of the City Council. This process will continue until consensus is reached.

Applicant interviews are scheduled for the Aug. 24 City Council meeting, which will start at 4 p.m. in the council chamber, City Hall, 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive. If more time is needed, additional meetings may be scheduled.

District 1 residents may email the City Clerk with suggested topics they would like applicants to address. Emails must be received by Aug. 10 at 5 p.m. and include the resident’s full name and home address.

More information
City Council page