Are You Caught Up On All of the New Terminology From the Corona-virus


By TR Robertson
One thing is for sure these days, there are a host of new words that are now part of our vocabulary as a result of COVID-19. But, do you know all of the words that have been invented to describe what we are all going through these days? Take a look at the list and the definitions, add any I have missed and make these a part of your daily conversations if you wish. They are listed in no particular order.
Coronacoaster – the ups and downs of your mood during the pandemic.

Quarantinis – experimental cocktails made from whatever you can find in the house.
Coronarita – a clever nickname for your latest margarita mix
Locktail hour – wine, beer or mixed drink hour at specific times during the day, which seem to be getting earlier and earlier.
Le Creuset wrist – the aching arm and wrist feeling you get from banging your pans during the weekly “Clap for Careers” day.
Coronials or Coronababies– our future generation of babies born during this lockdown time period.
Coronateens or Quaranteens – the nickname for all teenagers sheltered down today
Furlough Merlot – wine consumed in an attempt to relieve the frustration of not working.
Coronadose – an overdose of bad news from watching too much media during this time of crisis.

The Elephant in the Zoom – the glaring issue that during Zoom calls you begin to notice people have put on weight, have a bad hair day, suddenly have new facial hair or people can picture their messy house in the background.
Quentin Quaratino – the rash of online films people are making thinking they are funnier and cleverer than they actually are.
Covidiot or Wuhan-ker or Moronavirus – people who ignore public health advice and warnings and behave with reckless disregard for the safety of others.
Lockclown or covidiotic – another name for people who are covidiots.
Goutbreak – the sudden fear that you have consumed too much wine, cheese, homemade cookies or Easter candy and your ankles are beginning to swell.
Antisocial distancing – using health precautions as an excuse for snubbing neighbors or other people you find irritating.
Zumping – breaking up with someone during a video call
Zoom-bombing – appearing uninvited on someone else’s Zoom call
Coughing dodger – someone so alarmed by an innocuous throat clear that they back away in terror.
Mask-ara – extra make-up applied to make your eyes pop before venturing out in public with your mask on.

COVID-10 – the 10 lbs of extra weight you have put on from eating comfort-food and comfort-drinking. Also known as fattening the curve.
Covidivorce –an unfortunate outcome of being cooped up with the same person during the pandemic.
Coronacation – what kids felt they were on for the first week of sheltering down.
Coronaprison or Coronaquintin – what many felt they have been sentenced to for over a month and a half.
Coronapoclypse or Coronageddon – the fear that this is the end time of everything we have known
Coronaopenning – the relaxing of restrictions to slowly open businesses
So there you have it. Add these to your vocabulary when referring to what is going on today. I’m sure there are many more out there. If you have some to add, let us know by dropping an e mail below.