Arrest Warrant Service in Vista


In February of this year, Vista Unified School District employees began receiving threatening messages from a disgruntled employee and immediately contacted the Sheriff’s Department. The Sheriff’s Vista Patrol Station’s school resource officers, along with detectives, began investigating the threats. During the course of the investigation the suspect was identified as 33 year old Arturo Avina.
Today at approximately 0900 hours, deputies with the Special Enforcement Detail (SED/SWAT) and Sheriff’s Crisis Negotiation Team (CNT) executed an arrest warrant at 1083 Shadowridge Drive, in the City of Vista, where Avina was taken into custody. Avina was booked into the Vista Detention Facility for charges related to burglary, criminal threats and vandalism.

Call Crime Stoppers at (888) 580-8477 with information and you will remain anonymous. You may be eligible for up to a $1,000 reward for information leading to a felony arrest.


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