Art Classes for Kids – Saturdays New Village Arts in Carlsbad Village.


Art classes for kids in Grades K-4 are being hosted by Shari Roberts of JustFauxYou Painting at the Foundry Artist Studios at New Village Arts in Carlsbad Village.

Kids will learn about art, to use different media, a hands on approach to being creative and to have fun on Saturday mornings.

This session includes six (6) Saturday morning classes starting on January 27th. The cost is $96 per student. You must pre-register by completing an enrollment form and returning it to Shari Roberts prior to the first class in the session. Unfortunately, we are unable to accommodate walk-ins on the day of the class. Thank you for your understanding. E-mail Shari Roberts at for an enrollment form to sign -up or if you have any questions.

Dates: January 27, February 3, 10, 17, 24, and March 3
Time: 9:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m.
Place: 2787 State Street


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