Brig. Gen. Daniel B. Conley assumed the role as the commanding general for Marine Corps Installations West, Marine Corps Base Camp Pendleton, California, during a small ceremony at the base headquarters building July 22.
Conley became a commissioned officer after graduating from the U.S. Naval Academy in 1988. After graduating from the basic school, he went on to complete training to become a Marine Corps logistics officer.
During the course of his career, Conley served at various bases on both the East and West Coast, as well as overseas in Iwakuni, Japan, and Mons, Belgium. He deployed in support of Operation Desert Shield/Desert Storm in 1991, and deployed multiple times in support of Operation Enduring Freedom and Operation Iraqi Freedom.
Prior to reporting to Camp Pendleton, Conley deployed to Afghanistan in July 2016 as the commander of Bagram Air Field and the deputy commander for U.S. National Support Element-Afghanistan.
As the commander of MCI-West, MCB Camp Pendleton, Conley is responsible for running training bases that promote the combat readiness of Marine Corps operating forces and the mission of other tenant commands by providing training opportunities, facilities, as well as services and support responsive to the needs of Marines, Sailors and their families