California’s New Laws for 2024


Bills passed by the Legislature and signed by the Governor usually go into effect January 1st of the following year. Here are just a few:
Business-related laws
• California’s hourly minimum wage will increase to $16 for most workers on January 1st and to $20 for fast food workers in April. Wages for healthcare workers will increase gradually to $25 by 2033

• Employers will be prohibited from asking about an employee’s prior or current off-site cannabis use

• Employees will now be entitled to a minimum of five paid sick days each year

• Retailers will be required to have a gender-neutral toy section

• Manufacturers will be required to provide consumers and repair shops with parts or instructions to repair devices valued over $50

• Hidden fees will have to be disclosed, including for hotels, short-term rentals and food delivery services.
Firearms-related laws

• New restrictions will be placed on concealed carry permit holders, despite the recent Supreme Court ruling

• An 11% tax will be placed on firearms and ammunition Criminal penalties

• Child sex trafficking will now be defined as a serious felony, allowing life sentences for repeat offenders

• Prison sentences for those trafficking over a kilo of fentanyl will be enhanced

• The statute of limitations to receive damages for victims of childhood sexual assault will be eliminated

• Penalties for those using swastikas or other hate symbols at schools, religious institutions, cemeteries and other locations will increase

• Local jurisdictions will no longer be able to ban cruising

• Landlords will only be allowed to charge one month’s rent as a security deposit

• Counties will have more leeway to put those suffering from severe mental illness into treatment or temporary psychiatric holds

For better or worse, these are just a few new laws for 2024. The Legislature returns to Sacramento January 3rd — many more are on the way.