Caring for Our Communities’ Eyes


How’s your vision? How about your eye health?

We can all agree that our ability to see is incredibly important to our ability to function, but maintaining proper eye health is many times a forgotten part of our care. This is why it is important to visit with an eye care specialist, like an optometrist, at regular-intervals that are right for you. VCC offers optometry at two of our North County locations, ensuring local residents have access to affordable quality eye care when they need it.

Concerns about blurred and/or lost vision are a natural part of the aging process, but underlying problems that worsen your sight go normally undetected until they become a real problem. Issues like cataracts, glaucoma, diabetic eye disease, and age-related macular degeneration can start, and worsen with little to no signs. Take glaucoma for example – a little over 2 million Americans have this, but estimates show that only about half know about it, leaving them at risk for permanent vision loss if left untreated. The best way to guard against vision problems, like glaucoma, is to receive the proper screening and treatment, when necessary. Receiving a comprehensive eye exam can catch problems early or before they start, leaving you with healthy eyes and clearer vision.

There are other wellness steps you can take to protect the health of your eyes, like eating properly, wearing protective eyewear, quitting smoking, giving your eyes a rest from screens, etc., but here’s the bottom line: a comprehensive eye exam is what you really need. These will get a clear view of the blood vessels and angles of your eye, leaving eye care professionals with the best view on the status of your eyes’ health. In a world where vision is crucial, VCC encourages you to maintain the health of your eyes as you age with the help of the medical professionals here to care for you. You can make an appointment with VCC by calling or texting us at 844.308.5003. You can also learn more about optometry, and all the other services provided, by visiting

About Vista Community Clinic
With eight state-of-the-art locations in North San Diego, Orange and Riverside Counties, VCC provides affordable, high quality health care to more than 66,000 community residents. Services offered by VCC include primary care, pediatrics, prenatal and women’s health, optometry, chiropractic care, dental health, podiatry, acupuncture and behavioral health services. VCC also offers a wide array of community health education programs which are free and open to all community residents. VCC is recognized by the National Committee for Quality Assurance (NCQA) as a Level 3 (highest) Patient-Centered Medical Home, and is the recipient of the HRSA National Quality Leader Seal for exceeding national clinical quality benchmarks. For more information call 844.308.5003 or visit credit: VCC Optometry Site Director, Ryan Rich, OD

Media Contacts:
Allison Madsen Betsy Heightman
Communications Specialist Chief Development Officer
760.631.5000 x7196 760.631.5000 x1139