Carlsbad City Manager’s COVID-19 Update


Yesterday the County of San Diego health officer shared that a recent analysis of San Diego County data revealed San Diegans are waiting an average of 3.5 days after symptoms develop before they get a COVID-19 test. Because there is substantial spread of COVID-19 in the community, the county recommends people who start feeling sick should assume it’s because of the novel coronavirus, get tested right away and isolate themselves from other people, including their families.

People with COVID-19 can have no symptoms, mild symptoms or severe illness. Common symptoms include:
Fever or chills
Difficulty breathing
New loss of taste or smell
Body aches
Runny nose
Sore throat

Symptoms may appear two to 14 days after exposure to the virus. Close contacts of people who test positive for COVID-19 should quarantine themselves for 14 days and monitor for symptoms. The county operates about 40 COVID-19 testing sites and most do not require an appointment. To find a no-appointment site near you, or to make an appointment, visit or call 2-1-1. You can view the testing sites by day here. Personal health care providers also offer testing.

Flu season
Health officials are also stressing the importance of getting the flu vaccination as soon as possible. Not only will this cut down on demands on the local health care system later, it will help rule out certain strains of flu for those who have symptoms that are common to influenza and COVID-19. Most health care providers are offering walk in clinics, and many local pharmacies offer the shot for a small fee. So, please add getting a flu shot to your list of errands over the next few days.