Carlsbad Government Affairs Committee Hears from S.D. Regional Policy & Innovation Center and U.S. Chamber Update


By TR Robertson
The monthly Carlsbad Chamber of Commerce Government Affairs Committee meeting heard a series of presentations from representatives from a variety of government agencies hearing first from Shalini Vajjhala, Executive Director of the San Diego Regional Policy & Innovation Center.
The Center is an agency responsible for bringing more federal resources to this region. They focus on world class research and policy driven solutions. These cover issues like climate resilience, land use, homelessness, and housing affordability. The Center searches for integrated regional solutions and uses a variety of partnerships to accomplish this. They also draw on best practices from across the country to develop innovative programs, projects, and partnerships. Shalini gave an example of the $1.2 trillion Infrastructure Bill and a variety of areas the bill covers that could be broken down to numerous projects in areas like transportation, broadband, power and grid, energy, and water. She said there is a five-year window of opportunity to develop programs in this area. Currently the Center is prioritizing and developing cost effective solutions to get enough money to manage small and bigger projects. It is now up to the state and local governments to decide how best to use the money to accomplish projects and goals.
Next on the agenda was a presentation by Jennings Imel, Executive Director Western Region U.S. Chamber of Commerce. Jennings went through a Policy & Political Review effecting the economy at the present time. He said we are currently in a time of economic uncertainty with a divided Washington and midterm elections that could change the economic atmosphere. He went through and discusses a list of areas that can cause shifts in our economic situation. These areas included Funding, COVID and variants, the Build Back Better program, Workforce and Supply Chain issues, Russia Sanctions, Data Privacy, Foreign Policy issues, PARO Act, Supreme Court cases and changes, China Innovation, and new districts forming and elections. For the U.S. Chamber Competition in the Market Place, Talent available, Global Leadership and Changing Ideas will all lead to a variety of economic changes. In President Biden’s State of the Union address he felt the President did not touch strongly enough on the business sector. He said the policy agenda to ease economic burdens should be a significant priority. There are currently 4.4 million more jobs than the number of unemployed workers. The 62.2% employment rate is the lowest in 40 years. There are currently 2.2 million fewer workers that in 2020. Go to and Jennings said the U.S. is falling behind in the global trade market. He said we need to grow the number of pro-business members in Congress and mobilize constituents to support electing officials who will work to support economic growth and the Chamber policies. Statistically – 65% of Americans believe the country is moving in the wrong direction; 72% disapprove of how the President is managing inflation; 60% disapprove of ho the President is handling the economy. The upcoming election trend leans toward the Republicans having success and gains in elections in the House and Senate. In the House, 32 Democrats have announced their retirement.
Jason Harber from the City of Carlsbad – In previous City Council meetings there was a housing element update on the future of affordable housing developments in Carlsbad – 4,000 new units are needed. There are also potential city projects that may require voter authorization. The March 8 Council meeting will be one of the first back to an in-person meeting. The 5 pm meeting will also be streamed. There will be a Growth Management Design Review and a Redistricting map for adoption. The March 16th meeting will have a discussion of the 5-year strategic plan. The March 22nd meeting will have a discussion of in lieu fees for new development projects as well as a discussion of the new waste management company.
Crystal Page, Chief of Staff of County Supervisor Terra Lawson-Remer’s Office – The Supervisors area of coverage goes from Carlsbad to Coronado and inland to Mira Mesa. Those in these areas are reminded that there is now Mobile Crisis Response Units that are available for assistance using social workers and behavioral therapists to oversee non-violent situations instead of law enforcement. Call 1-888-724-7240 if help is needed. The I-5 HOV lanes from Loma Santa Fe to Palomar Airport Rd. are now open (North bound). There is a childcare shortage. Go to the newsletter for more information –
Chris Marsh from State Senator Patricia Bates Office – The Senator is joining others in Orange County requesting a Gas Tax Holiday Request of 6 months suspension of the tax. SB627 did not make it through committee dealing with coastal erosion. Introduced was SB 1025 asking for tax credit for organizations supporting blood drives. SB1333 deals with the placement process used in placing violent predators in communities.
Glenn MacDonald from State Assemblymember Tasha Boerner Horath’s Office – The Assemblymember is Chair of the Arts, Entertainment Committee and she is working on projects to increase tourism in areas. Also, still dealing with the Assembly Bill dealing with oil spill issues and offshore rigs as well as clean energy support. The Assembly ember is supporting an audit of SDG&E to investigate the reasons for the rate increases. Bills still being studied and advanced – AB1707 dealing with property taxes and disabled seniors; a bill supporting lifeguards being approved to work at public pools; AB2437 crating a stipend for interns. Nominations are being accepted for women of impact. Go to
Kyle Krahel-Frolander from U.S. Congressman Mike Levin’s Office – The Congressman is supporting and co-authoring a number of bills such as – HR 6759 Air Quality Monitoring, HR 6685 Spent Fuel Prioritization, HR 6684 Hire Student Veterans Act, HR 6602 Affordable Housing, HR 6396 Climate RESILENCE Act, HR 6208 Vet Care Act.
Bret Schanzenbach – CEO Carlsbad Chamber of Commerce – The Chamber opposed the working families ordinance. Chick-fil-a is coming to Carlsbad. May 20 Cbad Awards will be on the Chamber web site.
Next Government Affairs meeting – April 6.