Carlsbad Government Affairs Committee Hears Presentation from Newly Elected Carlsbad Mayor Keith Blackburn


By TR Robertson
Carlsbad Mayor Keith Blackburn spoke to a full house in the Carlsbad Chamber of Commerce as the Government Affairs Committee met for their monthly meeting on Wednesday. Mayor Blackburn started off by saying his number one goal after becoming Mayor was to make sure he had a cohesive council that worked together to solve issues the city was dealing with. He said the council has a responsibility to make sure they are cognizant of keeping money in reserve and a council that learns how to view the perspective of both young and old opinions. He said key issues for the city, as in many other cities, is dealing with the homeless and traffic issues. Mayor Blackburn pointed out that there are a variety of reasons people are homeless and that this is one of the most difficult reasons in dealing with the homeless problem. He said the Carlsbad Police Department has officers that are working daily in an outreach program to handle as many homeless situations as possible. He briefly discussed the SANDAG proposals that would add a mileage tax to all residents who drive under the assumption that this would make citizens use some form of mass transit instead of their personal cars.

The Mayor discussed the importance of small business in the community. When asked about redistricting, he expressed his opposition to districting rather than electing candidates in at large positions. He was asked why he ran for public office fourteen years ago, telling the story of his time with the Carlsbad Police Department and being assigned to deal with an Agua Hedionda Lagoon migrant issue. The encampments and the large number of individuals were causing runoff into the lagoon causing bacteria levels to reach unsafe conditions. Sargent Blackburn was able to bring in other agencies to deal with cleaning up the area, relocating the migrants and providing transportation for the workers. His actions prompted people such as former Mayor Buddy Lewis, mayor at that time, to suggest to him running for city council and bringing the same thought process to solving problems to other issues. He also spoke about how much he liked going door to door and interacting with the citizens. The Mayor pointed out that there is currently $120 million in reserve and plans in place in case of a possible recession or deficit of income. He was asked about the bluff and cliff issues in Carlsbad, which led him to say that the current Coastal Commission policy was to leave nature alone and let nature take its own course. When asked about the possibility of making the process for obtaining building permits easier, Mayor Blackburn said they are working on streamlining the process. Another Committee member asked about the ebike issue in Carlsbad. The Mayor said an increase in ebike accidents has caused a change to policies in dealing with them. A State of Emergency was declared, and helmets are now required. Extra police were brought into the department to specifically deal with issuing tickets and to work on teaching safety to anyone riding ebikes. Bike lanes colors are being changed to green and the width of the lanes increased. One proposal that may go into effect is no student will be allowed to ride ebikes to school if they have not taken safety classes.

Legislative Reports
Jason Haber from the City of Carlsbad – Feb. 2nd is the deadline to file for the District 2 City Council vacancy. Feb. 8th is a deadline for filing questions to submit for the District 2 candidates. The City Council will soon submit the Economic Development Strategic Plan and their legislative and project platform ideas. Feb. 7th the council will listen to an update of the Homeless Response Plan. Two policy proposals concerning licensing ebikes and curriculum for educating ebike riders will soon be heard as well as a proposal for workplace violence restraining orders.

Fernando Hernandez from State Senator Catherine Blakespear’s Office – The Senator recently introduced two pieces of legislation dealing with gun violence and homeless issues. Housing and Transportation are also top on the Senator’s list of concerns.

Margaret Doyle from State Assemblymember Tasha Boerner Horvath’s Office – The Assemblymember recently sponsored AB 45 dealing with coastal development in wetlands and habitats and AB 47 dealing with physical therapy insurance coverage for women who recently gave birth. The Scripps Institute study of bluff collapse has been given a one year extension. The Assemblymember has been appointed to a number of new committees for the year. Women of Impact Awards will be in March.

Bret Schanzenbach, CEO of the Carlsbad Chamber of Commerce – Feb. 8th will be the Carlsbad Chambers Birthday party for its 100th anniversary, 4-8 pm in the Chamber Offices. Feb. 14th Composting 101 will be offered.

Next Carlsbad Government Affairs Committee meeting will be March 1st.