Carlsbad Student Leader Academy


In school, students are taught algebra, Homer’s The Odyssey, battles of the Civil War; they’re not taught how to become more self-aware, more compassionate about the needs in their community, or how to make meaningful change. It’s time to change this.

Anyone can be a leader, an entrepreneur, a self-starter, and a change-maker. Every student has the capacity to make a difference.

At the Carlsbad Student Leader Academy, you will be enriched in a unique, life-changing opportunity to redefine how you see yourself, your community, and redefine the impact you want to leave on the world.

Will you be the next one?

The City of Carlsbad, in partnership with the YouSchool is offering an experiential leadership academy with an interactive curriculum and a proven methodology to catalyze high school-aged students who are residents in Carlsbad to reach their fullest potential as emerging leaders. Over 220 students have participated in the Carlsbad Student Leadership Academy in the past few years and are looking forward to welcoming a new cohort for the Spring of 2022.