Carlsbad Village, Barrio Lighting and Traffic Circles were Discussed


Carlsbad City Council received an update on the status of the Barrio Street Lighting and Village and Barrio Traffic Circles projects.

Barrio Street Lighting

Street and pedestrian lighting installations are planned for the Barrio neighborhood to improve safety and walkability. Street lights are taller and improve visibility primarily for drivers, pedestrians and bicyclists. Pedestrian lights are shorter and improve lighting along walkways. Design is currently underway and the project will be constructed in two phases:

Phase One includes:
Installation of approximately 15 to 20 street lights in areas identified with the greatest need through an engineering evaluation.
Construction is expected to begin as early as June 2020.

Phase Two includes:
Assessment, design and construction of both street and pedestrian lighting for the remainder of the Barrio neighborhood.
Completion of the preliminary lighting plan and community outreach is expected to occur in mid 2020.
Construction is estimated to start by late 2021, but could change.

Village and Barrio Traffic Circles

Eight traffic circles are funded and planned for the Village and Barrio neighborhoods to help traffic flow and improve safety. Of the eight, seven traffic circles are proposed in the Barrio and one in the Village. Staff expect preliminary designs of the traffic circles will be ready to share with the public for input in mid 2020. Construction is estimated to start by mid 2021.

For more information
Sept. 17, 2019 Staff Report
Map of Proposed Traffic CirclesJonathan Schauble, senior engineer, or 760-602-2762