Carlsbad Youth Enrichment Services Collaboration Hears Presentation About Carlsbad Juvenile Justice Program


By TR Robertson
A group of educators and Community Service Organization Representatives gathered this week for the monthly meeting of the YES Collaboration at the Pine Avenue Community Center. This month the group heard a presentation by Malcolm Warfield, Program Director for the Carlsbad Juvenile Justice Program and the GUIDE Program.
Warfield gave a power point presentation overview of both programs. He said the Juvenile Justice Program began in 1986 in Carlsbad. It is a community-based diversion program for first time youth offenders, ages 13-17, for minor crimes. The diversion is designed to prevent youth from escalating relatively minor criminal behavior into future felonies and to help from starting a juvenile criminal record. The procedure involves a Juvenile Justice Panel that will determine if a young person qualifies for the program. The youth will appear before a panel of volunteer community representatives who provide the opportunity to intervene between a youth in trouble and the Juvenile Court. The Panel sets up a conference with youth and the parent/guardian to engage in a discussion about the incident that led to the arrest. The Panel is looking for honesty from youth and a willingness to correct criminal behavior. The focus is on what led the young person to commit the crime. If approved for the program, the juvenile will go through the program for 4-6 months.

The contract for the young person in the program may consist of Restorative Practices, Emotional Literacy, Decision-Making, Problem-Solving Skills, Substance Abuse Education, Social Development, Community Service, Compliance with Existing Laws, Mandatory School Attendance and Counseling. Warfield said this is a “one shot program”. If the juvenile does not complete the program or gets into additional trouble, they will be sent to the Juvenile District Attorney’s Office for processing. Successful completion of the program guarantees no formal prosecution or record of conviction of the crime.
Warfield is also in charge of the GUIDE Program (Greater Understanding through Intervention, Diversion, Education). This counseling program helps children and their families work towards positive change. The focus is on prevention and intervention throughout Carlsbad Unified School District. GUIDE focuses primarily on middle school and elementary school. The Associates are licensed Marriage and Family Therapists. Referrals to the program come from Administrators, Teachers, Counselors, School Nurses and Parents. Topics covered include Emotional Regulation, Coping with Change, Life Skill Development, and Understanding Choices and Consequences.
Warfield also said juvenile involvement in shoplifting is on the rise and there are more females getting involved in crimes. He also noted that the youth of today are a lot more mobile, use cell phones more and with Ebikes and close by transit can quickly transit to different locations.
A question-and-answer session followed and introductions of those in attendance. – 442-339-2162 – GUIDE Counseling Program Clinical Supervisor
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