Wednesday, March 26, 2025

Oceanside Earns Second Place in the 2020 Mayor’s Challenge for Water...

Oceanside, CA- From August 1 to 30, Oceanside residents pledged to save water and protect the environment as part of the Wyland National Mayor’s...

The Wigs for Hope Program Fundraiser is 72% of the Way...

Since 2010, the Wigs for Hope program at Tri-City Medical Center has provided free, custom wigs to women undergoing chemotherapy. Unfortunately, as many resources...

Who Are You Voting For San Marcos Council District 4 Musgrove...

The November 3, 2020 Election will be held to elect one city council member for District 3 and one council member for District 4....

Oceanside Railroad Quiet Zone Update

The City of Oceanside has been working through the lengthy process of constructing railroad crossing improvements to meet Federal Railroad Administration (FRA) requirements to...

Carlsbad Unified School District will Celebrate Red Ribbon Week October 26...

Carlsbad Unified School District will celebrate Red Ribbon Week October 26 –30, 2020. This district wide program was designed to create an awareness concerning...

Oceanside District 3 and 4 City Council Candidates VIDEO Interviews

Oceanside City Council Candidates District 3 Zernik, Newman & Mackin Oceanside Candidates City Council District 3- Davis vs Keim Oceanside Council Candidates District 4- Weiss, Gomez,...

Young Adults with Developmental Disabilities Set To Premiere at the San...

0 The California State Council on Developmental Disabilities (SCDD) produced a documentary called Let’s Work by awarding a grant to the California Transition Alliance...

Carlsbad’s Farmers’ Market Celebrates 26 Years October 14th, from 3pm to...

Twenty six years ago a couple dozen local and regional farmers and a handful of crafters and food purveyors set up shop in the...

Fernando Tatis Jr Catches 1st Place in Scarecrow Contest

The 2020 Fall Garden Fest at Alta Vista Botanical Gardens was a GREAT day with 450 people (including Board members, vendors, and volunteers) attending,...

Community Support and Personal Connections Keep Vista Small Businesses Afloat During...

During the first two months of the shutdown, Gumaro Escarcega and his wife Fabiola Plata saw business plummet 70% for their family-owned shop, Embroidery...
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