Cost and Taxes in the Green Economy
Sacramento –Senator Brian Jones (R-Santee) releases an Are You Kidding Me? video on the mandates that are proposed to keep our planet healthy. This...
Keeping Promises, Spending Wisely California’s State Govement
By Assemblymember Marie Waldron
The Governor just released his “May Revise,” which updates the preliminary budget he released in January to serve as a discussion...
Climate Action Plan (CAP) San Marcos
What is a Climate Action Plan
A Climate Action Plan (CAP) is a long range plan that outlines strategies to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions....
Palomar Alumna Serving First Term on City Council
SAN MARCOS — On her path to Palomar College, María Nuñez went through the San Marcos school system, where her first memories are of...
County Board Approves Road Work, Receives Road Improvement Report
By Gig Conaughton, County of San Diego Communications Office
The San Diego County Board of Supervisors approved an 11-page list of roadwork at...
Modernize California – Government Modernization Act of 2019
By Assemblymember Marie Waldron
California is the world’s tech capitol. Some of the most technologically advanced companies like Uber, Facebook, and Apple were born in...
Are You Reclassified? Impacts Thousands of Businesses, Workers and the Entire...
By Assemblymember Marie Waldron
Are you a realtor, salon worker, trucker or lawyer? Do you work in or own a small business? Last year's...
San Marcos Mayor Delivers Inaugural State of the City Address
San Marcos Mayor Rebecca Jones delivered her inaugural State of the City Address on Tuesday, Feb. 26 to an audience of more than 400...
Get to Know New San Marcos Mayor Rebecca Jones
Mayor Rebecca Jones was elected in November to serve as Mayor of San Marcos until November 2022. The following biography was found on the...
San Marcos City Council Seeks Applicants to Fill Vacant Council Seat
On Tuesday, Dec.11 the San Marcos City Council decided unanimously on a process to replace former Council Member Rebecca Jones who was sworn in...