Saturday, September 28, 2024

Alta Vista Botanical Gardens Dedicates Children’s Discovery Trail

Last Saturday, Alta Vista Botanical Gardens held a gathering to Dedicate the Children's Discovery Trail for Friends, Donors and City dignitaries. It was...

Friends of the Rancho Buena Vista Adobe Volunteer Recognition

Board Members: L-R, Karen Keusseyan (Treasurer), Nancy Healey (Gift Shop), Nancy Montgomery (Secretary), Mary Gafner (President), Jan Zelasko (Communications/Past Pres), Laura Chandler-Jacobson (DAR), Nancy...

The Woman’s Club of Vista GFWC New Evening Section

Left to Right: Member Judy Bird, New members Joanna Mueller, Toni Kleider, Suzan Bentley, Membership Chairman Karen Keusseyan, Club President Judy Pantazo. The Woman's...

Local Teen Receives Free Car at Vista Rod Run

Local Teen Receives Free Car at Vista Rod Run Freelance Writer Matt Simpson For the third time in as many years, TJ Crossman of TJ Crossman’s...

Woman’s Club of Vista Throw Party for “Gunfighters”

Members of the Woman’s Club of Vista GFWC and the Contemporary Women of North County ( CWONC) joined together for a Beach Bash for...

Mouthwatering BBQ at Vista Historical Society Last Saturday

Every August the Vista Historical Society and Museum holds an Old Fashioned Pit Barbecue Feast. This year was no exception. On a beautiful sunny...

NC Food Bank Golf Classic Sponsored by Tri-City Medical Center

On Monday, July 24th, the 1st Annual North County Food Bank Golf Classic was held. The Title Sponsor and Host for the tournament...

Vista Fire Receives Mission: Lifeline EMS Recognition

The Vista Fire Department has received the American Heart Association’s Mission: Lifeline®EMS Bronze Award for applying quality improvement measures for the treatment of patients...

Ice Cream For Everyone at the History Museum

On a warm sunny day, last Saturday, there was a crowd of Vistans who gathered together for the Annual Vista Historical Society and Museum...

Vista High School All Class Reunion Rocked at Pepper Tree

‘Successful’ does not even begin to describe how great the party was at Pepper Tree Frosty for the All Vista High School Alumni Reunion...
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