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Changes to City Council Meeting Rules

The City of Carlsbad is in the process of updating the collection of city laws referred to as the Carlsbad Municipal Code.
Some changes are needed to reflect new City Council policy decisions while others are being made for increased clarity
or consistency. Chapter 1.20, which covers City Council meeting rules, was the first to be updated. Those changes go into
effect February 16, 2018.
At a Glance
Following is a summary of the major changes relating to members of the public who wish to address the City Council.
Please keep in mind, the presiding officer of the City Council meeting, which is usually the mayor, has authority to modify
many of these rules to ensure the timely and efficient conduct of the meeting. To read the updated chapter in its entirely,
please visit the city website.
Requests to Speak
Now Everyone wishing to address the City Council must submit a request to speak form prior to the time
when the agenda item begins. The presiding officer may allow a person to speak who has not filed
such a request only with the unanimous consent of the City Council.
Before Speaking on a public hearing item did not require a request to speak form. Speakers could also submit
requests to speak while an agenda item was in progress.
Why the Change Makes the process to speak consistent for all agenda items.
Avoids interruptions once the item has begun.
Speaker Order
Now Speakers have three minutes unless otherwise specified by the presiding officer, usually the mayor.
Speakers may not grant their time to others.
Before Speaker times varied. The code did not have rules regarding granting time to others.
Why the Change Makes the time to speak consistent for all agenda items.

Group Presentations
Now Representatives of groups will be permitted 10 minutes, unless that time is changed by the presiding
officer or City Council. The group representative must identify the group and list at least three
members of the group who will be present.
Before Number of members required to be present during a group presentation was not specified in the code.
Why the Change Establishes a consistent rule for group presentations.

NC Daily Star Staff
NC Daily Star Staffhttps://NCDAILYSTAR.COM
Terry Woods has been a North County resident for over three decades. Community activist, Member Emeritus Vista Chamber of Commerce, Married to Kathy Woods for 48 years, three children, three grandchildren and six grand dogs.


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