Chris Megison Gives Rotary Club of Vista Update on Green Oak Ranch Acquisition


By TR Robertson
Twice a month the Rotary Club of Vista meets at Shadowridge Golf Club for lunch and hears speakers from a variety of groups, organizations both private and governmental. This week’s speaker was Chris Megison, CEO and Co-founder of Solutions for Change. Solutions for Change is a private organization that for the past 24 years has been using a different approach to breaking the cycle of homelessness. After an introduction by Daryl McFarland, President of the Rotary Club of Vista, Chris explained the path that led him from the military to a number of organizations that assisted homeless individuals and families, up to the point in 1999 where he and his wife, Tammy, decided they wanted to start a program that would help homeless families get out of the cycle many homeless people find themselves caught in. He told the story of meeting a 9-year-old girl named Jessica whose family had been sleeping on the floor of a homeless shelter and this led to his epiphany that there had to be a better way to approach this national crisis.

Chris said there are obviously numerous problems that have led to the homeless crisis, but he believed the root cause of so many of the problems stems around addiction to drugs and alcohol, Starting Solutions for Change in 1999, there program has assisted close to 8,000 individuals break away from a life of living on the streets. Also attending the Rotary Club meeting was Jason, Vice President of Community Engagement for Solutions for Change, who explained the concept of The Churn where a homeless individual falls into the cycle of feeling like a victim, becoming dependent of outside assistance and repeating this over and over without escaping the homeless lifestyle. Chris established the 3 Solutions for Change Pillars that anyone that becomes part of the Solutions for Change program has to complete. These include participation in the Solutions Academy, participation in the Solutions Enterprise and participation in the Solutions Community. He wanted those in attendance to understand that Solutions for Change is a community-based, ground up program that is market driven and rooted in servant leadership. The Solutions Academy is a 700-day program that emphasizes career pathways, work experience, leadership training and family management skills plus other areas. In Solutions Enterprise, individuals can assist with multi-family property management and maintenance services or work with community partners or work at the Solutions Farm. In the Solutions Community, individuals engage with communities through participation in community events.

It was pointed out that Solutions for Change has a 76% long term success rate, a 100% employment success rate and a 100% success rate reuniting families and closing Child Welfare Services cases.

What most at the Rotary Club meeting came to hear was more information about Solution for Changes acquisition of Green Oaks Ranch and what the move to this facility would look like for Solutions for Change. Chris said by moving the Solutions Academy to Green Oaks Ranch they hope to double or triple the number of individuals and families that take part in the program. Currently, at the 4-acre site on West California Avenue, 45 families, around 150 people, are involved in the program. The Green Oaks Ranch site would mean Solutions for Change would move to a 110-acre location. Chis said beginning in January, they will begin a 10-year lease option to take possession of the site with an option to purchase. The Green Oaks Ranch Ministry will remain at Green Oaks Ranch and will retain their 25-acre site. Outlining the three-year transition, Chris said year one would involve a workforce development focus, minimal residential programs, a minor work site and the continuance of their drug-free program and housing. Pre-Development year two phase would involve moving the Solutions Academy to the Green Oaks site, moving in any modular units needed and getting a Site Development Plan approved by the city. The year three development phase would include a multi-year capital campaign as well as establishing philanthropic investment opportunities to go along with the Solutions $7 million investment. Chris also said some of the financing would involve selling some of SFC’s existing properties.

There were a number of questions from the audience. Chris said the workforce development at Green Oaks Ranch would also work with the Green Oaks Ranch Ministry in a variety of ways. He said the current owners of the RV Park and campers had been given a 90 day notice to move and they will meet with any of the owners to assist in whatever way they can. There are also over 240 entities that have rented portions of Greek Oaks Ranch at various times, and they will evaluate these to see what ones are interested in returning and in what capacity. Chris said there are currently 60 buildings on the property, and they will all be evaluated to determine usability, repair, renovation and maintenance. He said modulars might be used for a period of time if necessary. When asked about the main road entrance into Green Oaks Ranch, Chris said they do not plan any road changes and Vista Mayor John Franklin also said no changes are planned. Mayor Franklin also spoke as to the importance of a facility like Green Oaks Ranch and said the city is committed to continue working with Solutions for Change and they support the success they have had in working with homeless families transitioning into the world of work.

For more information about Solutions for Change go to For information about the Rotary Club of Vista go to